


MELODIC – Mental Health Support for Young Adults With Cancer

Project number: 101161023

Duration of the project: 01.09.2024 – 31.08.2027

Project budget: 1.4 million

Leading partner: Turku University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

Partner organizations: Tartu Health Care College, Tartu University Hospital, University of Turku, University of West Attica, University of Galway, Higher School of Nursing of Lisbon, Cancer Care West (Iirimaa), Erasmus University Medical Center (Netherlands), The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland, 251 Air Force General Hospital (Greece), European Cancer Organisation (Belgium), Fundatia Youth Cancer Europe (YCE) (Romania).

Associated partners: Oncology Institute Francisco Gentil (Portugal), Southwest Finland Cancer Association.

Aim of the project:

The MELODIC project aims to promote mental health and wellbeing of young adults (YA) with cancer and their family/caregivers by improving screening, early detection and efficient and person-centered management of mental health needs during the first year post-cancer diagnosis.

Activities of the project:

I phase: examining mental health needs of YAs with cancer and their family members /caregivers

II phase: examining the training needs of Health Care Professionals (HCPs) and develop and implement an online training programme for them,

III phase: implementing an intervention which includes physical activity in natural surroundings (green/blue space), with information support for YA with cancer and their family members/caregivers,

IV phase: developing guidance and practical recommendations for HCPs on how to provide support for YA adults and their family/caregivers with mental health needs.

Project manager in THCC: Maarika Asi, maarikaasi@nooruse.ee

Project team at Tartu Health Care College: Merle Varik, Margit Lenk-Adusoo